Farming is
Our BusinessImage

Established to facilitate and promote the value chain approach of farming among smallholder subsistence farmers.


Add value to
your coffeeImage

Boost your coffee by adopting sustainable practices, quality seedlings and innovative cultivation techniques.


Market &

Establishing improved market linkages, Connect directly with buyers and specialty roasters to secure premium prices.

Addressing Post–Harvest

Harvest &

Pick cherries at peak ripeness for the best flavor. Use clean, dry containers for transport to prevent contamination.

Capacity Building

Tailored educational
Training programs

Boosting Productivity

Encouraging improved
Agricultural practices

Market linkages

A well-managed
Consistent supply

Who we are.

Gromo Farmers Initiative Ltd

Farming is our business

We are a farmer-based, non-profit, impact-oriented, agriculture, social community
enterprise company. Established to facilitate and promote the value chain approach of farming among smallholder subsistence farmers.

Cash Crops
Coffee & Cocoa

Cereal Crops
Maize & Rice

Exposure to expert knowledge, information, and practice.
Modern farming technology, entrepreneurship, financial literacy.
We solve farmer's problems

Our Interventions



Pest & Disease

Registered Farmers
Tons secured
Uganda Districts
Empowered farmers

GroMo Aligns With the UNDP

Watch  video

Our Agricultural



What Farmers are Talking About Gromo

Through Gromo's support, Farmers have gained access to better resources, training, among others. Gromo's holistic approach has transformed many farming communities, fostering sustainable growth and development.

Gromo's training improved my yield by 30%. Our community thrives now, with better farming techniques and increased incomes. We're more sustainable and efficient, making farming more rewarding

Bonnie Kwagala

With Gromo's financial help, I expanded my farm. The access to affordable loans and resources has been a game-changer, allowing us to scale and prosper.

James Ngara

Thanks to Gromo, our farming techniques are modernized and profitable. The support and guidance have transformed our practices, leading to higher quality crops and better market prices.

Herbert Kiiza

The opportunity

For partnership

Join us at Gromo and empower farmers to maximize their coffee potential. Invest in sustainable practices, advanced training, and innovative solutions. Together, we can cultivate success and drive community growth.

Sustainable Growth

Drive long-term, eco-friendly farming practices

Community Impact

Improve farmers' livelihoods and communities.

High Returns

Capture premium market prices for quality coffee
Success stories with

Our partners

We are a farmer-based, non-profit, impact-oriented, agriculture, social community
enterprise company.



+256 709 901 217
Mukono Municipality, Goma Division,
P. O. Box 910038 Seeta, Mukono