How to become a member

Member requirements

1. Register to become a member, by filling out a form and paying 30,000 UGX, membership fees and paying an annual subscription fee 24,000 UGX.
2. Locate yourself or you will be assigned to a Local Support Team of 7 farmers.
3. Reach out to other Support Teams to form an Investment Group of 70 farmers.
4. Register for our Incubator program in your chosen Value Chains

Export advisory

Harvest Methodology

Technical Support

Start a mandatory Saving for Investment of at least;

Farmer savings

• Weekly – 1,000/=
• Weekly – 6,000/=
• Monthly – 24,000/=
• Quarterly – 96,000/=
• Yearly – 288,000/=

This is a minimum mandatory saving of 1,000 UGX, you are however a member is encouraged to save more, depending on your needs and expectations.

Commit yourself to being a productive Cooperating Member of the Farming community.

Our Target Groups;

We work with Farmers based on their gender, age group
and special needs:Attention is given tailored to each group;
• Men
• Women
• Youth – 18 to 35 years.
• People with disabilities


We work around a unique Four Hundred and Ninety (490) Farmer Unit Model for effective Transformation, of the farming communities, one family at a time.
This model is derived by establishing Local support team
(LST) of 7 farmers.

A set of 10 LST are mobilized and organized into a Value Chain Investment Group (VCIG) made up of 70 farmers.

Agricultural product Market Leaders

Let us make your farming produce popular in a globally market

We are a farmer-based, non-profit, impact-oriented, agriculture, social community
enterprise company.



+256 709 901 217
Mukono Municipality, Goma Division,
P. O. Box 910038 Seeta, Mukono