
These superior breeds are chosen for their high productivity, disease resistance, and adaptability. By providing farmers with these high-quality animals, Gromo aims to enhance livestock health, increase milk and meat production, and significantly improve farm profitability.

Gromo’s sensitization program focuses on pursuing the boosting of production by equipping farmers with improved goat, sheep, and cow breeds. 

Farmers are trained in modern breeding techniques, proper animal care, and effective management practices. This knowledge empowers them to maximize the genetic potential of their livestock, ensuring sustainable and productive farming.

Gromo’s initiative not only enhances individual farmers’ livelihoods but also strengthens the agricultural community’s overall resilience and growth.

We are solving challenges of:

Low Productivity: Introducing superior breeds increases milk and meat yield, addressing the issue of low production rates in traditional farming.
Disease Susceptibility: Improved breeds are more resistant to diseases, reducing livestock mortality and associated costs.
Economic Instability: Enhanced productivity and healthier livestock lead to increased and more stable incomes for farmers, improving their financial security.
Knowledge Gap: Training in modern breeding and management techniques empowers farmers with the skills needed for efficient and sustainable farming practices.

Community Resilience: By boosting individual farm profitability and sustainability, the overall resilience and economic stability of the agricultural community are strengthened.

High Cash Crops Coffee & Cocoa Cereal Crops: Maize, Millet, Sorghum, Rice Oil Crops: Groundnuts, Soya beans, Simsim Pulses Crops: Various types of Beans Fish Farming: Pond method, Caged fish Farming method, backyard method
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We are a farmer-based, non-profit, impact-oriented, agriculture, social community
enterprise company.



+256 709 901 217
Mukono Municipality, Goma Division,
P. O. Box 910038 Seeta, Mukono